Allen 2009-08-08 09:39:38 22797 1 0 0 0


如果你对 CSS 的掌握已经到了一定的贯通程度,那么你手中的 CSS 将会为你做很多高级的功能,甚至有时候 CSS 可以帮助解决之前靠 JS 才能解决的问题, 要知道,在 Web 开发过程中, 减少一段 JS 可是对 Web 的运行有足够大的减压作用的。25个 CSS 高级教程,让你更了解 CSS。

 1. 纯 CSS 字体渐变和背景渐变


CSS Gradients using pure CSS

Background gradients and CSS


CSS Gradient Text Effect

Pure CSS Text Gradient

2. Z-Index 图像重叠

Understading Z-Index

CSS Z-index

3. CSS 边框创意



Create a Scalable Star using using CSS border

Border Slants

4. 超酷 CSS 效果 - 控制面板


5. 纯 CSS 创建 2D/3D 按钮

3D Rollover Button using CSS

How to make sexy buttons with CSS

CSS rollover buttons

6. 文字凹凸/阴影技术

view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

Text Embossing

CSS Text Drop Shadows

1. text-shadow: 0px 1px 0px #e5e5ee;

7. 小图标式链接

Add icon to the hyperlink.

Iconize Textlinks with CSS

8. CSS 内容引用

Curly Quotes with Pure CSS

Swooshy Curly Quotes Without Images

9. CSS半透明式炫酷特效

A CSS only fly-out menu with transparency

CSS Menu using CSS opacity property

Opacity Background Blending Effects

Transparency Menu Watermark on an image

10. 背景模糊效果

how to create a blurry background using CSS

11. css视差效果

Examples of and How to Create the CSS Parallax Effect

A parallax illusion with CSS: The Horse in Motion



create Accordion using CSS

14. 垃圾背景样式的文字效果(与1相似)






Learn how to create a block hover effect for a list of links

CSS element hover effect.

16. 简单的文字渐变特效(与1类似)

dither effect using

17. 创建一个导航(“官方”称之为:liDock Menu)

Horizontal Menus That Grow on You

18. 链接图片(图像)翻转

CSS swap hover effect

19. 纯css的宝丽来特效


Polaroid-izing photos with CSS and one Image.

20. CSS 杂志

Create a Magazine Type layout Using CSS

21. CSS的Hoverbox Menu效果

cool CSS Menu

22.CSS 标签切换


Create a Tabbed content.


shows a trick that reveals a magic

24. CSS 信息提示

Show a message when hovering over the links.

25. 纯 CSS 预加载效果

Add a “loading” icon to your larger images

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| 130 | zwwooooo | 2009-08-08 16:25:14 | [email protected] | |
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