Allen 2022-05-31 21:37:23 18125 0 0 0 0


update ty_forum set site_id=124 where forum_id=323;
update ty_forum set site_id=124 where forum_id=388;

update ty_main set site_id=124 where forum_id=323;
update ty_main set site_id=124 where forum_id=388;

update ty_log set site_id=124 where main_id in (select main_id from ty_main where forum_id=323);
update ty_log set site_id=124 where main_id in (select main_id from ty_main where forum_id=388);

update ty_act set site_id=124 where main_id in (select main_id from ty_main where forum_id=323);
update ty_act set site_id=124 where main_id in (select main_id from ty_main where forum_id=388);

insert into tag_tmp select * from ty_tag where forum_id=323 and tag_name in (select tag_name from ty_tag where site_id=124);
insert into tag_tmp select * from ty_tag where forum_id=388 and tag_name in (select tag_name from ty_tag where site_id=124);
delete from ty_tag where forum_id=323 and tag_name in (select tag_name from tag_tmp);
delete from ty_tag where forum_id=388 and tag_name in (select tag_name from tag_tmp);
update ty_tag set site_id=124 where forum_id=323;
update ty_tag set site_id=124 where forum_id=388;

mv /www/wwwroot/源站点/upload/image/img030/202205/f343* /www/wwwroot/目标站点/upload/image/img030/202205/
mv /www/wwwroot/源站点/upload/image/img030/202205/s111-f343* /www/wwwroot/目标站点/upload/image/img030/202205/

mv /www/wwwroot/源站点/upload/image/img030/202204/f343* /www/wwwroot/目标站点/upload/image/img030/202204/
mv /www/wwwroot/源站点/upload/image/img030/202204/s111-f343* /www/wwwroot/目标站点/upload/image/img030/202204/

update ty_tag set forum_id=388 where forum_id=147;
update ty_tag set forum_id=387 where forum_id=355;
update ty_tag set forum_id=390 where forum_id=282;
update ty_tag set forum_id=391 where forum_id=299;
update ty_act set forum_id=388 where main_id in (select main_id from ty_main where forum_id=147);
update ty_act set forum_id=387 where main_id in (select main_id from ty_main where forum_id=355);
update ty_act set forum_id=390 where main_id in (select main_id from ty_main where forum_id=282);
update ty_act set forum_id=391 where main_id in (select main_id from ty_main where forum_id=299);
update ty_log set site_id=124 where main_id in (select main_id from ty_main where forum_id=147);
update ty_log set site_id=124 where main_id in (select main_id from ty_main where forum_id=355);
update ty_log set site_id=124 where main_id in (select main_id from ty_main where forum_id=282);
update ty_log set site_id=124 where main_id in (select main_id from ty_main where forum_id=299);

update ty_main set forum_id=388 where forum_id=147;
update ty_main set forum_id=387 where forum_id=355;
update ty_main set forum_id=390 where forum_id=282;
update ty_main set forum_id=391 where forum_id=299;
update ty_forum set forum_limit='1' where forum_id=147;
update ty_forum set forum_limit='1' where forum_id=355;
update ty_forum set forum_limit='1' where forum_id=282;
update ty_forum set forum_limit='1' where forum_id=299;

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